Rolling Ridge Programs
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Reserve the Rolling Ridge Prayer Chapel
Rolling Ridge has dedicated onsite spaces that can be reserved by certain members of The Listening Collective for spiritual direction. If you are a Basic or Full Member of The Listening Collective and would like to book a space at the Ridge to meet with your directees, please complete this online room reservation request. Please […]
FORM Template
Donate to Rolling Ridge
Listening Collective: First-Time Membership Payment
The Listening Collective is a gathering of kindred hearts connecting with God, the Source of Life, ourselves and all creation. As a professional organization, we enrich the art and skills of deep listening, share practices, stories, and resources, and feel the warmth of peer-led support and encouragement in the life-giving vocation of soul companioning. Rolling […]
Gateways 2022-2023 Payment Form
Introduction to Spiritual Guidance - Journey of the Soul and Listening as an Act of Justice - Learning to Listen in Painful and Anxious Places - Discernment in the Journey: Joining Contemplation and Action - Discernment with Communities: Incarnational Soul Tending - Missional Imagination of the Spiritual Director in Context What to Expect: - Taking […]
🌳 TEMPLATE Rolling Ridge Program (Overnight)
🌳 TEMPLATE Rolling Ridge Program (Day Meeting)
SoulCare in the Margins
With John Kiemele
Are you desiring a deeper spiritual connection with God? Do you yearn to share deeper soul connections with others who identify as LGBTQIA+? Are you feeling alienated from the church but still find encouragement in your faith as a beloved of God? If so, Rolling Ridge invites you to join our online drop-in group, "SoulCare […]
SoulCare for Clergy
With John Kiemele
As you care for your congregation, who cares for you? We at Rolling Ridge are here for you! Research shows that experiencing prolonged challenges, persistent disruptions, endless stressors, disorientation, compassion fatigue, or emotional exhaustion over an extended length of time erodes our sense of well-being and limits our capacity to respond in positive, flexible and […]
SoulCare with Artists 2024-2025
With Larry Jay
This online group meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM EST. SoulCare with Artists invites you to join your creative spirit with other creative spirits as you lean into your union with the Creator Spirit. SoulCare with Artists creates a safe and sacred online space for the artist in you to connect with others as […]
Lenten Companioned Retreat with Quiet Day
With Larry Jay
The season of Lent is a time of reflection as we prepare for Easter and the journey with Christ from crucifixion to resurrection.  Whether clergy or laity, we invite you to slow down and begin this upcoming lenten season on retreat at the Ridge. Our Lenten Companioned Retreat allows you to join us for up to three […]
Worship with the Woods: Listening to Nature's Sermons
With Larry Jay
Join us as we connect all people, God and creation through nature contemplation on the fourth Sunday of each month, year round. Celebrate the Divine presence in all things as we seek to live in harmony with everyone and everything. Transform yourself and renew the Earth as we worship together on the beautiful shore of […]
Rohr Action and Contemplation Small Group
Do you receive the Daily Meditations sent by Richard Rohr and the Center for Action and Contemplation? Have you read a book by Richard Rohr? Have you participated in the CONSPIRE conference hosted by CAC? Are you a graduate of the CAC Living School? Have you participated in a Men's Right of Passage with Father […]
3rd Thursday SoulCare
With John Kiemele
Because living a vibrant spirituality is no easy journey in our current society, we all need support and encouragement to find and sustain our way. Â Join us on the third Thursday of each month for "SoulCare" - a Rolling Ridge online group that creates a welcoming and sacred space for you to connect with others […]
Worship with the Woods: Listening to Nature's Sermons
With Larry Jay
Join us as we connect all people, God and creation through nature contemplation on the fourth Sunday of each month, year round. Celebrate the Divine presence in all things as we seek to live in harmony with everyone and everything. Transform yourself and renew the Earth as we worship together on the beautiful shore of […]
SoulCare Summit RETREAT 2024: Being Wholly Present
With Larry Jay
SoulCare Summit 2024: BEING WHOLLY PRESENT Contemplative spirituality is the heart of our programming at Rolling Ridge, but you may be wondering: What is contemplative spirituality? Very simply, contemplative spirituality is becoming wholly present to the Holy Presence in everyone and everything. Over the coming years, Rolling Ridge plans to focus our programming to help […]
Soul Care: Aging into Freedom-4th Wednesday
With Sandra LaPerche
Join us for a new monthly SoulCare group to voice the consolations and desolations of growing older and wiser. We will talk about the ways we continue to move forward with hope despite some of the limitations and losses of aging. We will share the spiritual practices that bring us strength and courage. We will […]
Worship with the Woods: Listening to Nature's Sermons
With Larry Jay
Join us as we connect all people, God and creation through nature contemplation on the fourth Sunday of each month, year round. Celebrate the Divine presence in all things as we seek to live in harmony with everyone and everything. Transform yourself and renew the Earth as we worship together on the beautiful shore of […]
Soul Care: Aging into Freedom-2nd Wednesday
With Sandra LaPerche
Join us for a new monthly SoulCare group to voice the consolations and desolations of growing older and wiser. We will talk about the ways we continue to move forward with hope despite some of the limitations and losses of aging. We will share the spiritual practices that bring us strength and courage. We will […]
Advent Companioned Quiet Day Retreat
With Larry Jay
In the busy-ness of the Christmas season, we invite you to come away to the Ridge for an IN-PERSON retreat. Â As we make time to embrace the waiting and settling in, we will breathe in the hope, joy, peace and love that this time of Advent offers. Our Advent Companioned Retreat allows you to join […]
Advent Companioned Quiet Day Retreat~ Lorena & Guests
With Larry Jay
In the busy-ness of the Christmas season, we invite you to come away to the Ridge for an IN-PERSON retreat. Â As we make time to embrace the waiting and settling in, we will breathe in the hope, joy, peace and love that this time of Advent offers. Our Advent Companioned Retreat allows you to join […]
Rohr Book Study: Breathing Under Water
With Larry Jay
Join us for our next book study as we finally get to Richard Rohr's "Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps." Â We meet ONLINE on the first and third Sundays of the month from 3:00-4:30 pm eastern. Click here for a link to the book To survive the tidal wave of compulsive behavior and […]
Gateways to God 2024-2026 Tuition Payment
Click here for the brochure. Submit your online application here. Personal Reference/Referral form Spiritual Autobiography Application Questions: 1. Describe your earliest religious/spiritual experiences. 2. Who or what are the persons, books, and experiences which have influenced your life and faith journey? 3. Explain how your experience and understanding of God/Jesus/the Holy Spirit has developed and […]
Way Of The Heart 2025
With John Kiemele, Janet Kessenich and Henry Schoenfield
We live in unpredictable, fear-filled, uprooting times. Where do we find stability? How do we avoid getting hijacked into despair? How do we discern the important among the urgent? “Way Of The Heart” is a 10-week learning cohort that helps us maintain or regain our center and equips us for courageous living. We will begin […]
SoulCare: Befriending Your Body
With Carrie Ives
(Registering for this event will register you for all future events in this series.) Does your body not “fit in the boxes” that society expects? Do you feel that your body has betrayed you - whether by fighting against itself, fighting against you, or just falling apart? Do you have a long-standing illness or condition […]
Taize Lenten Companioned Retreat with Quiet Day 2025
The season of Lent is a time of reflection as we prepare for Easter and the journey with Christ from crucifixion to resurrection. Â Whether clergy or laity, we invite you to slow down and begin this upcoming lenten season on retreat at the Ridge. Our Lenten Companioned Retreat allows you to join us for up […]
Listening Together... Encountering God Where We Live
With John Kiemele and Gayle Kerr
Registrations are now open for our online continuing education event "Listening Together ... Encountering God Where We Live" on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. eastern. Our Spring Topic: "Listening Together...Encountering God Where We Live" The journey that we take as spiritual companions and listeners is not to a place distant […]
Inviting Wholeness into Focus: Listening for Your Body's Wisdom in Winter and Lent - Lenten Retreat 2025
With Amy Hunter
Tune in, Tune up! The Healing Power of Sound - Lenten Retreat 2025
With Janet Kessenich
When the instruments of the orchestra are in tune, the symphony sounds glorious. When your system – made up of an orchestra of physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual elements – is in tune, you move through life harmoniously, aligned, with ease. The healing power of sound helps you tune in to your deepest self. It then […]
The Gift of Story: Finding the Sacred in the Details - Lenten Retreat 2025
With Stephanie Rutt
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Maya Angelou Stephanie Rutt recently released her memoir, Dancing on the Moon: The Non-Ordinary Life I Never Saw Coming, a Spiritual Memoir. Her collection of stories are like snap shots, some like the old, faded pictures with the crinkled edges you might find […]
Faith and Art: Let's make Ukrainian Easter Eggs! - Lenten Retreat 2025
With Eliza Goodell
How can we deepen our journey of faith?   Whether it is to make unique Easter eggs or learn a craft which is soulful and community-building, this ancient art form of painting Ukrainian Easter Egg ties together faith, spirituality, and unexpected beauty. As part of our Lenten Series, you will learn how to decorate eggs using a […]
Embodying Holy Week: Tai Chi Rhythm in the Paschal Mystery - Lenten Retreat 2025
With Rev. Dr. Hyuk Seonwoo
The gentle and slow movements of Tai Chi come from a simple, cyclical rhythm of “loosen-empty-push.” “Ready-set-go” or “the interaction between the potential energy and kinetic energy” might be a more accessible term for Tai Chi rhythm. In Tai Chi, emptying simply means “loosening” a little bit more. And the slight change creates momentum, which […]
Good Friday Sunset Service 2025
With Larry Jay
Join us at 6:45 pm on Friday, April 18, 2025 for a special outdoor Good Friday remembrance at Point of Pines on the shore of Lake Cochichewick. All are welcome. We will gather at 6:45 pm in the courtyard of Rolling Ridge. Please try to arrive on time or a few minutes early. Following an […]
Easter Sunrise Service 2025
With Larry Jay
Join us at 5:45 am on Sunday, April 20, 2025 for a glorious start to your Easter on the shore of Lake Cochichewick at our outdoor Point of Pines chapel. All are welcome. On Easter morning, we will gather at 5:45 am in the courtyard of Rolling Ridge. Please try to arrive on time or […]
On hand: Introduction to Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry
With Jana Marie Whitten
El EspĂritu Santo y la Justicia: El Regalo de discernimiento Cristiano
Reclaiming Our Ancestral Connection
With Debra Anne LeClair
Trans Families Together Retreat Exclusive Use July 2025
This summer, Rolling Ridge invites to join us for a weekend family retreat. "Trans Families Together: A Weekend of Connection" began in 2024 as a weekend retreat to support families that have a trans, non-binary or gender non-conforming young person. Amid the anti-trans rhetoric and the accompanying fear in our nation today, Trans Families Together […]