The Gift of Story: Finding the Sacred in the Details - Lenten Retreat 2025
With Stephanie Rutt
April 2, 2025
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Maya Angelou
Stephanie Rutt recently released her memoir, Dancing on the Moon: The Non-Ordinary Life I Never Saw Coming, a Spiritual Memoir. Her collection of stories are like snap shots, some like the old, faded pictures with the crinkled edges you might find in your grandparent’s cedar chest, alongside more recent ones.
Stories invite us to pause, take a step back, and to softly notice what just might be peering back at us. Each one invites us to become wholly present to the past and, at the same time, the eternal here-and-now. Each story is sacred, a gift from God, given for our growth and healing, others for simply delight and joy.
As part of our Lenten Series, we invite you to join us as we consider our stories and recognize the divine gifts they are, We will use short stories and themes in Stephanie’s memoir as a jumping off place into the stories of our own lives – stories that may have something to reveal to us beyond what we may have first thought or noticed. Using meditative chanting and journaling exercises, we’ll be invited to excavate a story(s) ready for the telling.
It’s truly a beautiful thing to share our stories. It’s how we find ourselves in one another.
Come. Sit awhile and tell a story or two.
Cost: $89.00 (includes program from 9:30-3:30, pastries and lunch)
About the Leader

Stephanie Rutt
Rev. Dr. Stephanie Rutt was founding Minister of the Tree of Life Interfaith Temple in Milford, NH, director of the Tree of Life School for Sacred Living and creator of the Tree of Life Interfaith Seminary. Through the School for Sacred Living she has offered numerous sacred studies courses, classes and workshops locally as well […]
Learn more about Stephanie RuttCategories : Contemplative Spirituality, Day Apart Event, Rolling Ridge Programs