Family Pride Picnic and Festival
July 6, 2024

All are invited to join us for our first Family Pride Picnic at Rolling Ridge on Saturday, July 6th as we celebrate the diversity of how our Creator God has made us. We will gather around the picnic tables of Rolling Ridge and enjoy a delicious lunch with games, music, vendors, and resources to support and encourage families as they learn to fully embrace the beauty of each member.
There is no charge to join us for the day, but we need families to RSVP so that we can provide food for everyone.
Food and vendors will be ready by 12 noon, with field games beginning around 1:30 pm. We will begin to wrap up food by 2:00 pm, with activities closing before 3:30 pm.
This event is part of our Trans Families Together: A Weekend of Connecting. More information on this retreat for families with a trans, non-binary, gender non-conforming young person is found on our website here. Our Family Pride Picnic intends to introduce our families to the larger LGBTQIA+ community and to let them know that they are not alone. We are hoping that all local Reconciling Ministry United Methodist churches and Welcoming and Affirming UCC churches would come and show their support.
Thanks to grants from the New England United Methodist Foundation and Preacher’s Aid Society, lunch costs are mostly covered. However, if your family is able, a $15 donation per person would be appreciated and will allow us to continue inclusive programming at the Ridge in the future.
If you are interested in being a vendor and having FREE place to display at our Family Pride Picnic, click here for more information and to register for space.
Categories : LGBTQ+ Programming, Rolling Ridge Programs