Embodying Holy Week: Tai Chi Rhythm in the Paschal Mystery - Lenten Retreat 2025
With Rev. Dr. Hyuk Seonwoo
April 16, 2025
The gentle and slow movements of Tai Chi come from a simple, cyclical rhythm of “loosen-empty-push.” “Ready-set-go” or “the interaction between the potential energy and kinetic energy” might be a more accessible term for Tai Chi rhythm. In Tai Chi, emptying simply means “loosening” a little bit more. And the slight change creates momentum, which makes a big difference in motion.
As part of our Lenten Series, you will learn and experience this rhythm at least partially in this Tai Chi Day Apart Retreat. As we meet during the Holy Week, you will be invited to experience Lent (loosen), Good Friday (empty), and Easter (push) in the Tai Chi movements.
We will especially be prepared to embody and dwell in the Paschal Mystery as we meet a day before the climactic last three days (sunset of Holy Thursday to sunset Easter Day) of the Holy Week. For example, we will sing Taizé songs such as “Stay Here and Keep Watch With Me,” “O Lord Hear My Prayer,” and “Jesus Remember Me” while doing simple Tai Chi, mindfully walking, praying, or even doing nothing.
No previous experience of Tai Chi is required.
You will be invited to find and follow your own range of motion. Our focus won’t be learning the formal Tai Chi choreography, but on indwelling more fully in God’s self-giving love, especially through the Paschal Mystery of suffering, death, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, finding the naturally embedded rhythm of “loosen-empty-push” in creation as well as in our own bodies.
Cost: $89 includes program (9:30 am to 3:30 pm), pastries, and lunch.
Maximum of 20 people. Last year this event sold out so register today!
About the Leader

Rev. Dr. Hyuk Seonwoo
Rev. Dr. Hyuk Seonwoo, an ordained elder of the United Methodist Church, is a big fan of Tai Chi. Along with Tai Chi workshops and demonstrations, he has written numerous Tai Chi-related articles and has been quoted in spiritual articles. A Ph.D. holder in Liturgical Studies, Hyuk currently serves the Swift Memorial UMC in Sagamore […]
Learn more about Rev. Dr. Hyuk SeonwooCategories : Contemplative Spirituality, Health and Wellness, Rolling Ridge Programs