⚡SoulCare (General)
RR SoulCare Events | Note: the last four characters of slug (r105) may be used to categorize events in Salesforce. Please be careful before changing!
SoulCare in the Margins
With John Kiemele
Are you desiring a deeper spiritual connection with God? Do you yearn to share deeper soul connections with others who identify as LGBTQIA+? Are you feeling alienated from the church but still find encouragement in your faith as a beloved of God? If so, Rolling Ridge invites you to join our online drop-in group, "SoulCare […]
3rd Thursday SoulCare
With John Kiemele
Because living a vibrant spirituality is no easy journey in our current society, we all need support and encouragement to find and sustain our way. Join us on the third Thursday of each month for "SoulCare" - a Rolling Ridge online group that creates a welcoming and sacred space for you to connect with others […]
SoulCare Summit RETREAT 2024: Being Wholly Present
With Larry Jay
SoulCare Summit 2024: BEING WHOLLY PRESENT Contemplative spirituality is the heart of our programming at Rolling Ridge, but you may be wondering: What is contemplative spirituality? Very simply, contemplative spirituality is becoming wholly present to the Holy Presence in everyone and everything. Over the coming years, Rolling Ridge plans to focus our programming to help […]
Soul Care: Aging into Freedom-4th Wednesday
With Sandra LaPerche
Join us for a new monthly SoulCare group to voice the consolations and desolations of growing older and wiser. We will talk about the ways we continue to move forward with hope despite some of the limitations and losses of aging. We will share the spiritual practices that bring us strength and courage. We will […]
Soul Care: Aging into Freedom-2nd Wednesday
With Sandra LaPerche
Join us for a new monthly SoulCare group to voice the consolations and desolations of growing older and wiser. We will talk about the ways we continue to move forward with hope despite some of the limitations and losses of aging. We will share the spiritual practices that bring us strength and courage. We will […]
SoulCare: Befriending Your Body
With Carrie Ives
(Registering for this event will register you for all future events in this series.) Does your body not “fit in the boxes” that society expects? Do you feel that your body has betrayed you - whether by fighting against itself, fighting against you, or just falling apart? Do you have a long-standing illness or condition […]