Contemplative Spirituality

Contemplative Spirituality programming at Rolling Ridge | Note: last four characters of slug (beginning with “r”) may be used to categorize events in Salesforce. Please be careful before changing!

Walking the Talk: A Pilgrimage with Peace Pilgrim

With Stephanie Rutt

January 15 - March 5, 2025
Rolling Ridge Online

“I am a pilgrim, a wanderer. I shall remain a wanderer until mankind has learned the way of peace, walking until I am given shelter and fasting until I am given food.” Peace Pilgrim From 1953 – 1981, twenty-eight years, this silver-haired woman, known simply as Peace Pilgrim, walked, lived, and spoke to all whom […]

SoulCare: Befriending Your Body

With Carrie Ives

February 10, 2025 - January 12, 2026
Rolling Ridge Online

Does your body not “fit in the boxes” that society expects? Do you feel that your body has betrayed you - whether by fighting against itself, fighting against you, or just falling apart? Do you have a long-standing illness or condition that makes your daily life a bit harder than most? Do you have an […]

Lenten Prayer Journey 2025

With Larry Jay

March 9 - April 20, 2025
Rolling Ridge Online

As we prepare for Easter, we invite you to join Rolling Ridge for an ONLINE Lenten Prayer Journey during the Vesper Hour from 6:00 to 7:00 pm EST, beginning March 9th, the Sunday after Ash Wednesday, for 7 weeks through Easter on April 20th. Although optional, the book, Rise: An Authentic Lenten Devotional by John […]

Tune in, Tune up! The Healing Power of Sound - Lenten Retreat 2025

With Janet Kessenich

March 26, 2025
Rolling Ridge Retreat and Conference Center

When the instruments of the orchestra are in tune, the symphony sounds glorious. When your system – made up of an orchestra of physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual elements – is in tune, you move through life harmoniously, aligned, with ease. The healing power of sound helps you tune in to your deepest self. It then […]

The Gift of Story: Finding the Sacred in the Details - Lenten Retreat 2025

With Stephanie Rutt

April 2, 2025
Rolling Ridge Retreat and Conference Center

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Maya Angelou Stephanie Rutt recently released her memoir, Dancing on the Moon: The Non-Ordinary Life I Never Saw Coming, a Spiritual Memoir. Her collection of stories are like snap shots, some like the old, faded pictures with the crinkled edges you might find […]

Embodying Holy Week: Tai Chi Rhythm in the Paschal Mystery - Lenten Retreat 2025

With Rev. Dr. Hyuk Seonwoo

April 16, 2025
Rolling Ridge Retreat and Conference Center

The gentle and slow movements of Tai Chi come from a simple, cyclical rhythm of “loosen-empty-push.” “Ready-set-go” or “the interaction between the potential energy and kinetic energy” might be a more accessible term for Tai Chi rhythm. In Tai Chi, emptying simply means “loosening” a little bit more. And the slight change creates momentum, which […]